Thursday, October 2, 2008

Projects in hand

I have a few days off work for the Eid Al Fitr holidays, and by default (like we didn't organise going anywhere or doing anything), we're having a staycation.. In between going for pizza/ coffee/ a dip in the pool, in the last couple of days I have been working on:

  • Putting a second post in this blog;
  • eBay listing for week after next;
  • Putting together our entry for 'Self-Catering' category of Anglesey Tourism Awards 2009
  • Tidying up the website a bit- adding our summer photos, tidying up the links. Trying to work out how to get a higher PageRank score in Google (without cheating);
  • Fixing up some of our nice summer photos on Pamoramio so they appear on Google Earth at the right locations;
  • Creating a new Facebook Group 'Friends of Y Stabl' for a bit of fun;
  • Complaining to Google/ posting on Google Group the fact that we are still not appearing on Google Earth despite having been in Google Maps for ages.

I am also thinking about more stuff for the future, but I'll leave talking about them until I get round to actually doing something about them.

One the things we want to get for next Easter are new sofas for the living room. One of the new shops at Bareeq Al Shatti here has an opening sale on their nice Dedon stuff, but it was closed today- maybe go in on Sat for a look. Even with sale it will be ridiculously expensive though. But we were thinking of crating up a load of loose items and shipping them back home anyway.. Hmm.

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